Contact AA in East Sussex
If you think you have a problem with drinking and want to find out more please call:
Local helpline – 01622 751842 | National helpline – 0800 9177 650
You can also email help@aamail.org or visit our online Chat Now
If your call is transferred to a local responder then one of our East Sussex members will respond, answer your questions and help with information about AA in East Sussex.
If you are with an organisation, institution or company that wishes to know more about AA and what it has to offer, organise a face to face meeting or presentations to individuals or groups and you are located in East Sussex please contact us via email at pi.esussex@aamail.org
Anyone is welcome to attend one of our meetings in East Sussex.
The full list of AA meetings in East Sussex is at https://www.aa-eastsussex.org/eastsussexaameetings there is a mobile-friendly list here
For more information on this or any other subject covered on this website or about AA in general please contact pi.esussex@aamail.org